Our computers and systems have a FREE One Year Warranty*. See Warranty page for details and instructions on how to file a Warranty claim.
If you wish to return an item for a refund for whatever reason (i.e. changed mind), we will refund the product purchase provided you return the product within 15 days from the date of purchase. The product has to be returned in the condition you received it, unopened and in its original packaging. will pay for the return shipping, however, the original shipping fees charged when the order was placed are non-refundable. If it’s clear that there was an error on’s part in the original order we may refund the original shipping charges. A return shipping label will be electronically sent to you from UPS that you will need to affix to your shipment and you will need to drop it off at your local UPS location for delivery. It will contain your RMA # on it but you should also write this RMA # on the boxes you are returning.
The manner of refund will be on the original method of payment you used. Payment card purchases will be refunded to the original payment card.
Store credit will be given for returns that were originally purchased with an electronic gift card. If the returned product is returned opened it may be subject to 15% restocking fee, which will be deducted from your eligible refund or if the product is missing items that originally shipped with it, the return may be rejected and no refund given.
Regardless of leveraging Warranty or just return window, you will need to be issued an RMA # and a shipping label (which will be sent to you electronically) prior to sending the product back for refund or products that are under Warranty for repairs.
In order to get an RMA # and returns shipping label, please contact 1-844-5- REFURB (1-844-573-3872) and talk to a member of our Customer Care Team. You may also use the Contact Us form to select Returns & Warranties or email
Please have a copy of your emailed receipt (as you may be asked for it) along with knowing your Order #, Date of Purchase, SKU # and Serial # on the product.
It may take some time to process the return or to service your system, so please be patient during this process but do feel free to follow-up with us if you require an update.
*Some conditions may apply. Please see the "FREE Warranty" tab on the applicable Product Details Page and read our Warranty page.